Welcome to Las Vegas Weed Review

Sunday, November 10, 2019

I have been smoking pot now for a long time. I started when I was 15. I am not advocating taking it up at that age, and I do not want that for my sons, but it is what it is. For all the things I love about getting high, the thing I hate the most is buying it.

That says a lot as there is a lot to hate about smoking pot, especially before it was legal. Drug tests, stereotypes, jail, I mean there was a lot to hate. Still shopping for it was the worst.

Dealing with shady people, not getting what you pay for, always with the shortages,  and the worst part, no yelp. Now that things have changed, I thought for shore shopping would be fun. But it is not. It is still the worst part.  

Shops are still shady, advertising can be misleading, and whatever it is your looking for is always out. There is a yelp, but it is hard to trust when most shops will give you a freebie for a 5-star review. Besides, I don't really trust Becky from Idaho's opinion on her first trip to a pot shop. I can tell you from experience most online reviews are shit. 

Buying weed in Las Vegas

So that's what got this started. I moved to Vegas and thought that getting green would be easy. With all the shops, online reviews, and friends in town, I thought this should be fun. I was wrong.  

So I decided that I live here now and I like consistency and ease, so I plan to hit up every shop in town till I find my shop. Seeing as I am doing it anyway, I figure I might as well try to help all you out by giving you the lowdown on what the shops are truly like.  

Las Vegas legal weed shops

First, let me qualify myself. I remember buying pot when a lid was still a thing. I have bought in almost every one of the contiguous states. I have shopped with and without a recommendation. I have worked in customer service enough to know how shops should work. Last but not least I am a cranky old man so if I say I had a good experience in a store you best believe it. 

So from here on out every time I go to score; I will let you know how it goes. There are a lot of shops and I only have so much cash, pot ain't cheap, so bear with me. We will get them all on here as soon as possible. I don't plan to review the product itself there is more than enough of that on the internet. I'm just here to tell you if I would shop at a spot or not. 

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